Verdigris takes on comfort for enterprises and industrial sites – Stacey on IoT | Internet of Things news and analysis

Verdigris takes on comfort for enterprises and industrial sites – Stacey on IoT | Internet of Things news and analysis

One of the challenges of last-generation connected devices was that they provided a lot of information, but no way to act on it. As algorithms improved, that information became insights that often suggested a particular course of action. And that is where most connected systems are today. Companies use these systems to manage cybersecurity, manufacturing plants, lighting, HVAC systems, and more.

But for many proponents of smart tech, the holy grail is having a system that detects a problem, or a source of more efficient operations, and then acts on that data. It’s what’s known as closed-loop automation, and these days, there is no one phrase that gets me more excited. Because ultimately, if we want to derive the most benefit from IoT and machine learning, we’re going to have to take humans out of the loop.

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