To Succeed at Smart City, Engage Citizens
The Smart City Event is happening in about a month, and The Smart City Sentinel has been meeting with our speakers to get a bit of a preview of what attendees should expect from the conference.
Here, we spoke to Mark Modzelewski, VP Operations Manager, Treeline Interactive, who will be a featured speaker in the following session:
Being Smart about Smart City Requirements: It all starts with true citizen engagement. A city isn’t an entrenched industry in need of a shock to the system–it’s our home. Turning cities “smart” requires systematic engagement of those who are expected to live in these environments. Making a city “smarter” is not a bad idea, per se. There is enormous potential to improve our health, safety, and transportation through the use of data, computing, and the Internet. But we need to get away from this paradigm that individual improvements driven by technology are a panacea.