About That IoT Device You Received as a Holiday Gift…
It is quite possible that you received an internet of things (IoT) device as a holiday gift, and it’s very likely that you will find this holiday gift useful. But it’s also possible you received an additional gift you have no use for at all: security vulnerabilities. This is the inconvenient truth about the average IoT device — like all technologies, it has flaws and it can add to your risk profile.
Whether you’re an individual concerned about someone hacking your home security system and eavesdropping on your private space or you’re part of an enterprise that could have all its sensors turned into a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) support army, IoT security vulnerabilities are a fact of life, and we can expect to see more of them as more technological advancements emerge. One such advancement, 5G, is already hitting the streets and will fuel increased ubiquity of IoT devices.