Are there hackers hiding in your office?
She continued: “For smart cities to flourish, security needs to be built in from the outset. Novel wireless approaches are needed, analytics and big data (and video surveillance would be in that group as well) – those are the lack of skillsets that companies are pointing to.”
“It could be, but it depends on how you deal with privacy issues. For example, in previous research we looked at video security, which would allow a scene to be monitored while ensuring faces are blurred – this is called selective encryption. One interesting area is when you combine selective encryption approaches in video with trying to track anomalous activity – something that’s out of the ordinary, such as a bag left on a bus.
“Security analytics would be a great career path right now, as there is demand from industry for this skillset. This involves the application of analytic tools for security monitoring and threat detection,” said O’Neill.