The Future of IoT – What Will the World Look Like in 2067?
John lazily opened his eyes as the rain started.
The droplets pinged against the hydrophobic glass in the dark, as streetlights swept by overhead in a hypnotic warp drive. He wiped the sleep from his face and looked at the time. 3:47 a.m., which meant he had about an hour left.
He liked to take the Ford on his trips from New York to D.C., as it wasn’t terribly longer than a flight and he had a fear of flying. It was certainly faster to take the hyperloop, but there was something romantic about a car on the open road.
As a technology historian, it fascinated him that people once piloted these multi-ton vehicles without seatbelts, with nary a computer driving aid, never mind the full autonomy required on highways today. Read more…