Finnish partnership develops AI and IoT-based pedestrian safety system | Traffic Technology Today

Finnish partnership develops AI and IoT-based pedestrian safety system | Traffic Technology Today

Global urbanisation increases the number of people on the move in metropolitan areas, but as road traffic increases, so does the risk of accidents, especially at intersections, with the risk of injury and death being especially high for pedestrians. To increase the safety of urban traffic and prevent accidents, the City of Tampere and Tieto have built a pilot system that uses AI and IoT technology to automatically detect when a pedestrian is planning to cross the street at an intersection. Then an alert can be relayed to automatic traffic signs, and in the future directly to vehicles themselves, providing a key building block for connected and autonomous transport. Developed as a part of the Smart Tampere development program’s 6Aika CityIoT project, the pilot system has been built in such a way that prevents the identification of individuals or vehicles to comply with the country’s strict privacy laws.

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