APIs And Integration Tools Fortify IoT Wireless Sensor System – Sensors Magazine

APIs And Integration Tools Fortify IoT Wireless Sensor System | Sensors Magazine

Swift Sensors has added APIs and integration tools to its wireless sensor system.   Suppliers of Point-of-Sale (POS) and Facility Management tools for Restaurants and Hospitality can add 24/7 monitoring and alerting of critical temperatures to improve food safety and comply with health department regulations.  Vendors and Suppliers of security and property management systems can add additional monitoring of temperature, humidity, electrical power, and water presence.

Sam Cece, CEO and founder of Swift Sensors expounds, “Since 2015 Swift Sensors has been investing in an end-to-end cloud-based wireless sensor system. The tightly integrated and secure system can now be easily integrated with existing products and services that need access to data from the Internet of Things (IoT).   Rather than developing a system from the ground up or relying on one of hundreds of IoT development platforms, companies can leverage years of investment in a wireless sensor system with little to no development.”

John Weber, President and CEO of Long Range Systems says, “We integrated Swift Sensors technology into our Ven-U Sensors product line to give LRS customers improved food safety through 24/7 monitoring of their equipment and facility. Integrating with Swift Sensors was critical to giving our customers immediate notification when their equipment needs attention.”

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