5 Ways IoT Can Transform Your Workplace
Thanks to powerful new technologies, today’s workplaces have transformed into connected systems where people function in unison with technology. While some security challenges remain, nowadays job duties are shared between the human workforce and computers with a positive impact on productivity business efficiency. With its capability to integrate electronic smart devices via the web, the Internet of Things (IoT) has created a new environmental ecosystem, helping people manage work conditions remotely and create smartphone-based workplace manager for various aspects of the modern office.
Augmented workplace environment If you ask workers in shared offices, most of them will agree that setting the right AC temperature is a common disagreement among coworkers. Well, with new smart thermostat apps – for instance – Google’s Nest Thermostat, it won’t be up to the team to decide which is the most effective workplace temperature. The smart Nest Thermostat learns your preferences by tracking your manually set schedule few days in a row and adapts its functioning to fit your needs. An extra 60 percent of savings on the energy bill is a welcome extra benefit. In a similar way, workers can enhance multiple workplace aspects, such as manage lights and book meeting rooms and shared desks. Take the Comfy App, for example, which is a powerful all-in-one tool to help workplace teams stay better connected and manage their work environment.