5 use cases for smart city IoT — GCN

5 use cases for smart city IoT — GCN

Cities across the world are running internet-of-things pilots to gain insights that will them run more efficiently. A new white paper from the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies  takes an exhaustive look at promise of these burgeoning technologies.

The paper, “Driving New Modes of IoT Facilitated Citizen/User Engagement,” dives into multiple aspects of IoT technology including implementation, data ownership, security, business models and road maps. Five use cases are used to highlight the different opportunities and challenges of connected devices: municipal service management, utilities, public safety, transportation and health care. Each of these areas has its own considerations for IoT planning and execution, the report said.

1. Municipal services management. IoT technology could provide novel ways to engage with citizens and improve effectiveness and efficiency with IoT-based data collection and analysis. However, cities must prioritize safeguarding privacy and ensuring the security of these systems to realize the benefit.

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