The IoT Matures With Solutions Like SAP’s Leonardo


The IoT Matures With Solutions Like SAP’s Leonardo



The IoT market is an ill-defined, nebulous space. While the industry refers to it as the IoT, it isn’t a single product. In reality, the IoT refers to numerous use cases and products that vary across different industries. For example, a mining company and a hospital can both benefit from predictive maintenance, but the problems and implementations are completely different.

A successful IoT implementation requires a coordinated technology and business process transformation strategy. The business process improvement strategy is often overlooked as the technology teams jump into the nuts and bolts of deploying a set of IoT tools. Technology-first thinking is precisely what leads to failed implementations. Companies, fearing they’ll be left behind, have rushed to purchase various IoT components — such as sensors, hubs, and platforms–before the business has defined the problem it’s trying to solve. Leaders in the space have sought out use cases where IoT will improve employee productivity, deliver operational efficiencies and enable new revenue opportunities. Read more…


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