Exponent Inc (NASDAQ:EXPO) Quarterly Sentiment Report | Finance Recorder
Exponent Inc (NASDAQ:EXPO) institutional sentiment decreased to 1.3 in 2019 Q3. Its down -0.29, from 1.59 in 2019Q2. The ratio worsened, as 105 active investment managers opened new and increased positions, while 81 sold and trimmed equity positions in Exponent Inc. The active investment managers in our partner’s database reported: 45.05 million shares, up from 44.99 million shares in 2019Q2. Also, the number of active investment managers holding Exponent Inc in their top 10 positions decreased from 2 to 1 for a decrease of 1. Sold All: 11 Reduced: 70 Increased: 76 New Position: 29.