Weekly Wrapup: Insurers can’t forget jobs in digital wave | Digital Insurance
Many have heard or read Allstate CEO Tom Wilson’s comments about AI recently: In a Bloomberg interview, he claimed that artificial intelligence was going to “rip through this economy like a tsunami.”
At Allstate, Wilson notes, because technological advancements made their jobs unnecessary, his organization cut 550 auto adjusters. They all found jobs elsewhere, he was quick to add, noting that Allstate is investing $40 million to help train employees for a changing economy.
“Whether you’re an accountant, an auto adjuster, a computer programmer, technology is going to take over,” Wilson told the audience. “We have to figure out, ‘How do we train them to do the new job, not the job that the computer can do?”’
This presents an interesting dichotomy, because in general, insurers continue to face major challenges in finding the right human talent and skillsets to keep up with the pace of digital adoption, the bedrock of artificial intelligence.