“VHOOP” from Virfit, the World’s First Smart Hula-Hoop with IoT Function.
Exercising data is recorded daily, weekly and monthly. All VHOOP users are ranked in the world ranking chart, this encourages users to work out every day. VHOOP hula-hoop itself is a fitness or weighted hula-hoop for adults and has mature sizes. The special model invites users to strengthen their abs and core, while providing a connective tissue massage on crucial spots.
Smart hula-hoop, VHOOP from Virfit enables to real time monitor for your exercise connecting to VHOOP app on your smartphone. After official launch in Europe, Virfit is planning to have new functions on app which enables to users input their body size and update it to see their progress. Also there will be added community function so all VHOOP users can share their experience and knowledge with each other.