Top Projects in Artificial Intelligence
The advancement of artificial intelligence and its sub-branch machine learning has made it so they are being used in almost every front of life now. With the use of AI many services are made more efficient, and the quality of our lives is improved. From automating complete industries to providing small-scale help, AI is being used in every facet of our lives. Development and research is very popular in artificial intelligence, which makes working in it great for beginners as well as experts. Here are some projects that are great for beginners and will help learn more about artificial intelligence and its uses.
Top Projects in Artificial Intelligence – ChatBots:
ChatBots are one of the most popular applications of artificial intelligence, and even people new to AI can develop them with relative ease. ChatBots are used by many websites and applications to communicate with users and get feedback from them. They are often used as complaint managers/help desks in websites to initially communicate with users. If the users requests are too complex for the ChatBot to understand then a human will take over and proceed to help the user. ChatBots are used in almost every field, be it medical, architecture, IT, or even education. They make communicating with users easier and efficient and can be developed and deployed with relative ease. This makes ChatBots great project for beginners.
Top Projects in Artificial Intelligence – Facial Identification:
Facial identification is also a wonderful project to undertake. It can be used to catch criminals and people who are in hiding. Platforms like Facebook make use of facial identification on an immense scale to analyze multiple facial features and identify people. If done well, a facial identification model can almost immediately identify faces and know if it has been processed before or not. Facial identification is a great project to work on, and ultimately it can have great benefits all around the world.
Top Projects in Artificial Intelligence – Sentiment/Emotion Analysis:
One of the most popular applications of machine learning is sentiment/emotion analysis. This allows businesses to analyze the thoughts and opinions of their customers and come up with strategies for making customers happy. Large volumes of data (posts, blogs, comments) can be analyzed by a machine learning model and customers thoughts about certain products or services can be identified. This makes for a great project for businesses to undertake. As it will help them identify what their customers want and how it can be provided to them.
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