Top 50 IP addresses of IoT thingbot attacks revealed – News – IoT Hub
Cyber security company F5 Labs has revealed the top 50 IP addresses responsible for cyber attacks launched by compromised IoT devices. Its headline findings: 36 addresses in China are responsible for 80 percent of attacks from the top 50 addresses and, overall, China was the source of 44 percent of attack traffic.
F5 Labs has published its finding in The Hunt for IOT The Growth and Evolution of Thingbots, produced in conjunction with data partner Loryka, saying it decided to disclose the top attacking IP addresses because they are not being dealt with. Thingbots are botnets comprising infected IoT devices.
“Ideally we would only see an IP address attacking for a short period of time before it was remediated by either the provider (suspended, disabled, or taken offline), or potentially by the device’s owner. Because these attacking systems are not getting dealt with, we are disclosing the top 50 attacking IP addresses for the first time,” the report says.
F5 concludes its report with a sombre warning: “When the majority of the world is online, smart homes with dozens of Internet-enabled devices and smart cities will be everywhere instead of only in the hands of the early adopters. At that point, IoT thingbots could threaten global stability if we don’t start doing something about it now.”