Start Securing Your Network From Consumer-Grade IoT Threats | PCMag.com
By now you’ve heard the FBI’s plea that we should all reboot our routers. It’s happening because a hacker group in Russia created some malware that can harvest log-in credentials or even brick the device. It turns out that at least some of those Internet of Things (IoT) devices—which include small and home office (SOHO) routers, along with some network-attached storage (NAS) devices—also included a line of enterprise and cloud routers produced by European company MicroTik. And that list may grow as our knowledge of this malware increases.
That’s okay, but a better move would be to (a) reset the router and then (b) check your router manufacturer’s support website for news that they’ve updated the router’s firmware. Once they do, then update your router’s firmware immediately. And if they don’t, then drop the $100 and switch to a router from a manufacturer that cares.