Sequans CEO rebuts analyst’s designation of Qualcomm as
In your article crowning Qualcomm king of IoT, you talked a lot about the computing capability of the IoT device, but frankly when you talk about IoT, it’s about more than just the computing capability, it’s about three components – it’s about computing, it’s about sensors, and it’s about connectivity. Computing is very important, but in the IoT world computing is quite often based in the cloud and less so in the device. That’s the case even if we think about smart IoT devices, where local computing capabilities remain limited.
So, since the computing function is located in the cloud, the two key technologies required for IoT devices are sensing and connectivity. The advantages of Qualcomm’s great processing capabilities are valid for smartphone and tablet applications, but are much less useful for IoT devices where the point is to minimize local computing to save power consumption and cost.