Sensors Expo 2018: What is Really Going on in Healthcare Technology? | Sensors Magazine
There is much in the way of technology innovation that is happening today. Many sensational inventions are covered in great depth by the general media. However, one area of technological advancement that doesn’t seem to get much general media attention is the development of new medical devices that save lives and increase the quality of life for many people.
New medical equipment technology is already fundamentally changing the way we live, so it truly reflects some of the biggest technology innovations in this century. So, what is driving these changes to medical devices and the way that we receive our healthcare?
There is a growing emphasis on home care and personalized medicine. One reason for this is that government and private insurers, as well as medical providers are working to contain the ever-rising cost of healthcare. As new care delivery models are evolving, medical device designs for diagnostic monitoring, therapy and drug delivery must meet higher standards of functionality, safety, connectivity and ease of use.