Salesforce Ignites Digital Transformation Around Design Thinking For 20th Century Fox Film
If you’re an organization in dire need of digital transformation, who ya gonna call?
While an enterprise software company might not initially come to mind, that’s exactly who brands like Coca-Cola and Philips turned to.
For Hollywood studio 20th Century Fox Film, it’s moved from primarily a B2B company focused on partners like broadcasters, retailers, exhibitors and producers to addressing the consumer directly.
“We’re a film studio that has a deep heritage of creating compelling and entertaining content,” said John Herbert, chief information officer for 20th Century Fox Film. “When you think about digital transformation, the media industry has been at the forefront because it’s not just another dimension of our product. Our entire business has been transformed.”
In the last few months, 20th Century Fox Film underwent a workshop with Salesforce’s three-year-old digital accelerator, Salesforce Ignite. Read more…