Private LTE as an enterprise and industrial IoT enabler
Digital transformation is a top priority for virtually every industry and enterprise. Supported by a reliable and robust foundation of wireless connectivity, the internet of things is poised to bring new levels of efficiency and sustainability to everything from manufacturers and utilities to airports, shipping and transit hubs and even remote industrial sites such as mines or oil platforms. As innovative new technologies and business cases come together with forward-looking spectrum regulatory policy, the reality of affordable, private IoT networks can help propel the fourth industrial revolution. In this webinar, we’re going to examine some of the technologies that can enable private LTE networks for the internet of things.
On the spectrum side, the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service, or CBRS, band promises a huge opportunity for new LTE spectrum. The CBRS band is currently used by the Department of Defense and non-federal satellite service providers, but the Federal Communications Commission is working to adopt a new spectrum sharing system to allow for new users to access the valuable unlicensed spectrum. The current plan establishes three tiers of access including federal and non-federal incumbents, priority access licensees and general authorized access users. The flexible model would depend on technological coordination to manage any potential interference between users. Read more…