3rd Annual IoT in Oil and Gas conference (September 13-14, 2017), which has grown in leaps and bounds with more than 250 attendees this year alone! Whether you’re a major operator, contractor or technology solution provider, this is your chance to learn from insightful case studies and benchmark against industry best practice.
You will also have plenty of opportunities to exchange ideas and network with peers to pursue commercial opportunities.
Results from a new survey by Deloitte forecasts 2017 as a year of recovery for commodity prices, with companies expected to gradually ramp up operational activity as demand increases. As a result, IoT technologies will play a crucial role in meeting productivity and cost reduction targets.
And the 3rd Annual IoT in Oil and Gas conference promises to be an even more comprehensive forum for IoT innovation. New developments and frameworks will be explored as companies focus on improving efficiency.
The event will explore how organizations can overcome emerging and existing challenges such as cyber security, lack of standardization, legacy installed bases, and liability of current technologies.
If you want to know more about related IoT conferences in the energy sector, please visit the Energy Conference Network.
You can also expect new and expanded session topics that will address IoT integration for downstream, midstream and upstream operations, including:
September 13-14, 2017 – Houston, Texas
read more at iotinoilandgas.com