The IoT needs simulation to grow
Without simulation, complex systems would fail. Satellites would not reach an accurate orbit, semiconductor circuits would not function, and bridges would not carry the load. Businesses and governments would not invest in these projects without robust simulation software. And without a simulation proving value and functionality, IoT networks of hundreds of thousands or millions of inexpensive devices adding up to large capital investments will not be built.
Researchers from the University of Bologna published an analysis of IoT simulation and a smart cities vehicular transportation system case study (pdf). They recommend a networked simulation of orchestrated simulators that model specific IoT features that fit the diversity of IoT devices and use cases.
According to the researchers, one single simulator is not available to model the many different types of devices. Running on a single CPU is not scalable because of the huge number of events that will be stored and processed. They recommend parallel and distributed simulation (PADS).
The PADS architecture is similar to systems applied to large web applications and artificial intelligence models. Within this distributed simulation, each logical process that implements a model component manages the evolution of the discrete model and communicates with other logical processes for synchronization and data distribution. Read more…