Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University presents certificates through blockchain for 3rd batch of Emarati Programmer graduates | MENAFN.COM
(MENAFN – Editorial) July 06, 2019- Under the patronage and presence of H.E. Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai and Chairman of Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University’s (HBMSU) Board of Governors (BOG),and Chairman of the Emirates Talent Association, the Emirates Talent Association and HBMSU held today(SaturdayJuly 6, 2019) the third graduation ceremony for the ‘2019 Emirati Programmer’participants as well asawarded the winners of the ‘HackathonCompetition’. The success of the third batch of ‘Emirati Programmer’serves as a great boost for us to continue investing inhighly promising talentsthrough our fruitful partnership with the Emirates Talent Association and Union Coop. This collaboration supports honing creative national talents’ programming skills and adds value to knowledge and innovation. The event showcased the awarding of winners for the Hackathon Competition, which include Abdullah Saif Salem Al Muqbali (7-10 age group) and Saeed Ali Al Qaisi Al Falasi (11-15 age group) for the Games Development – Kudo category; Alia HarebLehddad (7-10 age group) for the Artificial Intelligence – Cosmo category; MuharibHareb Haddad (11-15 age group) for the Artificial Intelligence – Max category; Rashid Ayoub Al-Awadhi and Fahd Zayed Al-Sabouni (7-10 age group) for the Information Security and Internet of things (IoT) – Swift category and Abdullah Mohammed Al-Jawi (11-15 age group) for the Information Security and Internet of things (IoT) – Python category. The studentspresented their applications, projects and stages of development before the attendees during the ‘Emirati Programmer Expo’ held immediately after the graduation ceremony. Read more…