GeekWire Calendar Picks: Stand-up mathematician; healthcare at home; geeky music; and more – GeekWire
— Math is one of those subjects that seems to be divisive among students as they grow up. Basically, you love it or you hate it. There aren’t many middle-of-the-road opinions about it. And many students who hate it don’t see how learning calculus will ever help them in the real world. Matt Parker is a “stand-up mathematician” who enjoys pointing out how much math is used in the real world, even if it’s not apparent at first glance. Parker will be talking about his book, Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World, at the Forum at Town Hall at 2 p.m. on Feb. 1. Parker’s talk will focus on how numerical errors can cause big problems in numerous areas, including the internet, elections, and even street signs.