Copeland Capital Management Cut Its Exponent (EXPO) Position; Itron (ITRI) Shorts Increased By 1.07% – The DMinute
Copeland Capital Management Llc increased Cogent Communications Holdings (NASDAQ:CCOI) stake by 45,181 shares to 368,932 valued at $20.59 million in 2018Q3. It also upped Home Bancshares (NASDAQ:HOMB) stake by 31,497 shares and now owns 810,907 shares. Factset Research Systems Inc (NYSE:FDS) was raised too.
Analysts await Exponent, Inc. (NASDAQ:EXPO) to report earnings on February, 7. They expect $0.28 EPS, up 21.74% or $0.05 from last year’s $0.23 per share. EXPO’s profit will be $14.56M for 41.70 P/E if the $0.28 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.32 actual EPS reported by Exponent, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -12.50% negative EPS growth.