How artificial intelligence could battle sexual harassment in the workplace
“Your email was blocked, we’ve contacted an HR representative.”
This message could go a long way towards weeding out some of the sexual explicit messaging in the workplace, most recently highlighted by a New York Times report.
Although it would by no means block all suggestive comments that occur in the workplace, there is a way to make an artificial intelligence (AI) become more aware of what is happening in the digital realm. This could happen as employees increasingly use workplace tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, send emails using a corporate server or text using company-managed apps.
“AI services in the workplace already can analyze workers’ e-mails to determine if they feel unhappy about their job,” says Michelle Lee Flores, a labor and employment attorney. “In the same way, AI can use the data-analysis technology (such as data monitoring) to determine if sexually suggestive communications are being sent.” Read more…