Arduino looks to empower users to address IoT security challenges
Specifically in the IoT space, operating without sophisticated security measures in place can put customers and their data at risk. Accordingly, data, network, and device security remain the primary concerns for 50% of organisations when adopting IoT. In response, Arduino has looked at ways to improve security in both its hardware and software, with a strong focus on “security by design”.The Arduino IoT Cloud is a low-code platform that enables users to log, graph and analyze their sensor data, trigger events, and automate their home or business. Among its integrated security features are:Secure communication with Arduino Portenta H7, Arduino Nano 33 IoT and Arduino MKR family boards using their on-board secure elements (NXP EdgeLock SE050 or Microchip ATECCX08A) The open-source ArduinoBearSSL library for implementing the TLS protocol on devicesA device certificate provisioning process to allow client authentication during MQTT sessions.Commenting Fabio Violante, CEO of Arduino said: “Our priority has always been to build solutions that ensure maximum security for our users and developers and take every step to minimise risk.