Always the large business owners have sufficient funds and can invest into intelligent building technologies and leveraging these data-driven solutions to reduce costs, improve operational and energy efficiencies, and achieve broader corporate objectives like sustainability.
Today, thanks to rising economic needs and higher costs even the Small and medium building (SMB) owners struggle to maintain profits and sustain slim margins with more traditional approaches. Most of these smaller buildings lack the technology to generate the kind of data that ties energy consumption to operational and bottom-line performance.
So as a result, there is a huge lost opportunity for these business owners to save their Operational Expense. Solution is “The Internet of Things (IoT) concept”.
So there are three ways that IoT is opening new doors for SMB energy efficiency and business improvement.
Providing Plug and Play Solutions : IoT is about the connectivity of devices, data, and personalisation of technology & data. Today’s IoT Platform helps to connect these business houses with Intelligent Energy Monitoring and Ambient sensors to monitor motion-sensor solutions or infrared sensors to detect people and switch on-off ACs , Lights , Fans etc. This helps in significant reductions in cost from this technology approach—as compared to traditional controls and automation.