The time for practical IoT has finally arrived, but does the public has clear sense and understanding as to how and in what way their information be utilized and processed by these IoT devices? Some might have, but many might not, as far as the current standing of IoT industry goes. While we are devoid of giving a confirmed opinion on this thing, but one thing about which we are pretty damn sure: Consumers of the IoT services will be the ultimate controller of their data, and there is a concrete proof of this that can withstand any counter argument against this notion. This demand and the growing concern people have over the sharing of their data online, especially in the age of smart IoT devices, has genuine and valid fears.
The world has already witnessed some serious security compromises in the IoT-connected devices in recent years, and the intensity of harm such unethical cyber-attacks can cause. But here is some good news for IoT users (or potential buyers): Below we have described some of the main reasons because of which an IoT consumer will going to have the majority of control over what data to share, and what not, via IoT services they use. Let’s get to know them!
As the IT industry keeps on flourishing and bringing new technologies/techniques on the table, the contemporary business approach is more customer-centric than ever before. Top tech companies (the ones with IoT interests as well) are delivering offers/ads in a non-intrusive way to their users. Companies like Facebook and Google also give more freedom to the end-users to control what information they would like to share and what not with them. This wins them more sales and customer conversion as well as keeping the technology and services highly user-friendly.