Big Data and Hadoop Tutorial covers Introduction to Big Data,Overview of Apache Hadoop,The Intended Audience and Prerequisites,The Ultimate Goal of this Tutorial,The Challenges at Scale and the Scope of Hadoop,Comparison to Existing Database Technologies,The Hadoop Architecture & Module,Introduction to Hadoop Distributed File System,Hadoop Multi Node Clusters,HDFS Installation and Shell Commands,Hadoop MapReduce – Key Features & Highlights,Hadoop YARN Technology,Introduction to Pig, Sqoop, and Hive.
Some of the exciting facts about Big Data are:
As per Forbes by the year 2020 approximately 1.7 megabytes of information will be generated each second.
The Hadoop market is expected to cross $ 1 billion by 2020 with a compound growth rate of 58%.
However lesser than 0.5% of the data is analyzed at the moment.
This clearly specifies the kind of potential the field of Big Data has. After learning these facts you must be curious to know about Big Data. Let’s know the applications of big data briefly
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