IoT News – ‘Separation, Innovation, Explosion’: how IoT success depends on splitting software from hardware – IoT Business News
The internet (or software) world is characterised by much greater tolerance of faults, less robust testing and faster iteration and time to market. The hardware industry, in contrast, comes from a heritage of organisations that are much more risk averse, understandably so because when hardware fails people die. The hardware world is also typically much more highly regulated. Flip over or open up any hardware device and there will be various stamps attesting to the regulatory requirements with which it needed to comply. The software space doesn’t even come close, although this is slowly changing with some of the recent consumer privacy and data management regulations such as GDPR coming into force. The upshot of this divergence is that product design that would have been appropriate in either world was not exactly appropriate for IoT. Products were either too buggy or non-compliant, or they were too inflexible or slow to market.