6 Factors That Raise The Stakes For IoT Security
Image Source: Adobe (stokkete) The enterprise is finally coming to realize just how risky Internet of Things (IoT) devices are to their security postures. Whether it comes from unencrypted communication with devices, hard-coded passwords, vulnerability-ridden unmanaged devices, or insecure configurations, a huge flaw always seems to be lurking around the corner with regard to IoT deployments. It’s only natural for new-ish technology. IoT is following a common progression in security maturation that’s happened so many times in everything from Wi-Fi to Web apps. However, as IoT progresses, a number of factors add a greater depth to the IoT problem. Some up the ante considerably by putting way more at risk — either in consequence or cost — when an IoT device is compromised. Other factors expand the risk surface by exacerbating already extant vulnerabilities in the IoT ecosystem. Either way, read on for some of the most common factors that raise the stakes for IoT and make the problem more acute within the enterprise.