Flippin Bruce & Porter Increased By $497,589 Its Intl Business Machines (IBM) Position; Las Vegas Sands (LVS)’s Sentiment Is 1.18
Las Vegas Sands Corp (LVS) investors sentiment increased to 1.18 in 2019 Q1. It’s up 0.31, from 0.87 in 2018Q4. The ratio is better, as 219 funds opened new and increased equity positions, while 185 sold and reduced their stakes in Las Vegas Sands Corp. The funds in our database now have: 267.43 million shares, down from 270.02 million shares in 2018Q4. Also, the number of funds holding Las Vegas Sands Corp in top ten equity positions increased from 5 to 6 for an increase of 1. Sold All: 35 Reduced: 150 Increased: 155 New Position: 64.